May thru November
9am-1pm every Saturday
If you’re interested in becoming a vendor with us, please see our vendors page for more information.
The Petworth Community Market, Inc. is a non-profit organization of Petworth residents, which manages a weekly market that acts as a catalyst and stimulator of economic and social activity for the benefit of the Greater Petworth Community. By providing an opportunity for the sale, trade and promotion of produce, goods, services, and ideas, the Petworth Community Market seeks to improve the quality of life for local producers, artisans and entrepreneurs as well as residents and neighbors throughout the neighborhood and the City.
Our vision is a community that is healthy, vibrant, engaged, and sustainable where all residents understand the importance of and can make choices based on the values of healthy living, supporting the local economy, and building community.
Petworth Community Market provides access to local food, goods, and educational resources by engaging neighbors in a vibrant weekly market.
Community Connectedness: We bring together the diversity of the Petworth community thus generating connectedness, energizing our public space, and inspiring participation and action in making the neighborhood a better place to live, work, and play.
Nourishment: Food is the fundamental sustenance that nourishes our body, mind, and soul and can bring a community together in culture and celebration. Access to fresh nutritious food is a foundation for health and human dignity.
Community Sustainability: Our market believes in the importance of supporting the local economy, prioritizing locally produced goods, supporting small-scale independent businesses, focusing on healthy eating and lifestyle, encouraging shopping within walking distance, and being conscious of our environmental impact.
Accessibility and Inclusiveness: We value the diversity of the Petworth community in age, socioeconomic, race, sexual orientation, and family makeup. Our market reflects, fulfills, and celebrates this diversity. We believe that healthy living choices should be an option for all and take action to incentivize participation.
Relationships: Positive personal connections and cooperation underlie our contributions to the community whether that is with our customers, vendors, volunteers, partners, community leaders, local business, or with our own board and staff.
Education and Outreach: Our market is committed to providing the Petworth community with accessible educational resources surrounding food, healthy living and sustainability through outreach activities.
Organizational Integrity: Our organization was started and built by a group of visionary and volunteer Petworth residents. We believe in the strength of personal passions coming together to build something powerful. We are committed to the long-term strategic, operational, and financial health of the organization.
Since the 2011 season, PCM has accepted credit cards and benefits from SNAP, WIC, and Senior Assistance government programs. In an effort to eliminate affordability as an obstacle to access to fresh, local produce, PCM also offers a matching bonus dollars program. This program matches any SNAP/WIC/Senior benefit, in effect doubling the amount a patron can spend at the market. Users of this program can come to the market manager tent during each market in order to participate in this program.
PCM offers a dedicated, free space each Saturday for local nonprofit organizations. This is a great opportunity for local groups to connect to the local community. If you are a local nonprofit organization interested in coming to the market, we’d love to have you! Click here to find out how to participate.