Business Name
Phone Number
Primary Contact Name
Primary Contact Email
Business Mailing Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Federal Tax ID Number (EIN)
Indicate Your Vendor Type
Food Vendor: Farmer
Food Vendor: Secondary Producer
Food Vendor: Prepared Foods
Non-Food Vendor: Artist or Craftsperson
Non-Food Vendor: Service
Non-Food Vendor: Other
Select which dates you are interested in for the pop-up?
May 3rd
May 10th
May 17th
May 24th
May 31st
June 7th
June 14th
June 21st
June 28th
July 5th
July 12th
July 19th
July 26th
August 2nd
August 9th
August 16th
August 23rd
August 30th
September 6th
September 13th
September 20th
September 27th
October 4th
October 11th
October 18th
October 25th
November 1st
November 8th
November 15th
November 22nd
FOOD VENDORS: Please Indicate Your Product Offerings For The 2025 Season
This includes ALL items you either plan to bring OR MAY BRING AT A LATER DATE
Other Meats
Prepared/Pre-Packaged Foods
Bread or Baked Goods
Not Applicable
NON-FOOD VENDORS: Please Indicate Your Product Offerings For The 2025 Season
This includes ALL items you either plan to bring OR MAY BRING AT A LATER DATE
Visual Arts
Bath/Body Care
Not applicable
Can you provide proof of business insurance?
Yes, I have business insurance and the accompanying documents
No, I do not currently have business insurance, but plan to acquire business insurance prior to May 4, 2024.
No, I do not have business insurance
If you are a FARMER, can you provide an Extension Agent Certification? *
I am not a Farmer
If you are a PREPARED FOODS OR SECONDARY PRODUCER, can you provide proof that your products are produced in a licensed commercial kitchen?
I am not a prepared food or secondary producer
Do you or a member of your staff have a Serv-Safe certification or similar documentation from your local Department of Health?
Please provide a brief description of your business:
(NEW VENDORS ONLY) Please describe in detail that products you would like to bring to the PCM and their approximate price points.
(NEW VENDORS ONLY) If you are a value-added or prepared food vendor, please describe in detail your sourcing practices. Wherever possible, PCM encourages its vendors to source locally/regionally.
Please agree to the following:
I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Petworth Community Market, its incorporators, and its Board of Directors as well as the District of Columbia, and any subsidiary, affiliate corporation and all of their directors, officers, agents, and employees of the aforementioned from any and all liability for damage, injury or loss to any person or goods for any reason related to activities related to the Petworth Community Market
I agree to sell only products that I, and/or my immediate family or employees, have grown or produced on my property and/or property I lease. I will not resell any product purchased from a wholesale warehouse, retailer or other grower. I realize that failure to comply may result in my suspension or expulsion from the Petworth Community Market without refund.
SECONDARY PRODUCERS - I affirm that my operation is permitted to legally sell at public markets in the District of Columbia and that all products sold at market are produced in a commercially-approved and certified kitchen. My operation strictly adheres to applicable health code requirements valid in my jurisdiction and have included a copy of our commercial kitchen certification to this application.
PREPARED PRODUCERS - I affirm that my operation meets all applicable health department regulations of the District of Columbia and I am permitted to legally sell prepared foods at public markets in the District of Columbia
Upon receiving confirmation from the Petworth Community Market of my acceptance into the market, I agree to provide the appropriate payment and necessary supplemental documentation to the Petworth Community Market by April 30, 2025